Good, mellow day today. I'm so exhausted it hurts, even though I've slept. This weekend tapped just about every reserve I had. A few sweet moments today.
Our friend Skeeter came by to bring breakfast and clippers. She cut Laura's hair in the bathroom, drawing many a curious look. Laura looks smashing...
My friend Abby who was visiting from Chicago gave me a little manicure while I was holding Simon. I think she could make a lot of money in this joint if she expanded to other beds!
We're going to try a little rice cereal today to see if he's into it. He's been very interested in food and it might be a way to get more calories. We'll take pictures- I'm sure it will be a colossal mess.
Laura's back is still in terrible shape so it's a really good thing I'm taking this week off work. She can't really even get up to go to the bathroom without help and can't hold him standing up. Poor little thing :-(
Holding tight...
Dearest Laura, Jaime and Simon-
Polly called me today to tell me about Simon...I had NO IDEA! My heart has dropped down into my stomach and now it is in my throat. Simon is a fighter and couldn't be in more loving and supportive hands. I will send love, prayers and HOPE to you constantly. I look forward to reading about more walks OUTSIDE and to continued improvement. I love you all dearly and am with you.
Sam Camera
Dear Laura,
I have been checking with the moms in the post natal classes about Simon and we always take a moment to send him good thoughts to him and to you moms.
If you would like me to bring you a meal I love to do that.
My love and hope is with little and strong Simon, every day!
Healing and blessings, Claudia Florian-McCaffrey
Do we get pictures of the "Smashing Laura." So sorry your back is hurting. Try my way of dealing with pain. Jasmine can give you instructions. Love, Polly
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