You are my homegirls, you wonderful women of PIP (Simon's early intervention program).
Yesterday we sat in 'parent group' and we had one of those moments where I truly understand the term homegirl.
As a well meaning white woman I don't use that term very often but last night falling asleep it kept popping into my head.
Yesterday as we laughed and cried and grieved for that blessed hour that we have together twice a week, I felt more at 'home' than I have in a long time. We are warriors together. We are limp noodles together. We are each others cheerleaders, advocates, silent sponges for venting sessions, further along the road, just starting the road, incredible resource, and voice or image inside my head when I need my 'homegirls' the most.
Thank you for that circle of safety, of knowing what no one else can know quite the way you do.
Thank you for being there. Thank you for sitting raw and exhausted or celebratory and silly with me.
I loved it that we laughed silly in one minute and recognized the need for the tissue box in the next.
cardiomyopathy, cerebral palsy, myotonic dystrophy, down syndrome, seizures, tubers, fragile x syndrome...none of you get capital letters because our children and we are so much more than that.
So tomorrow as I am filling up on thank fullness and the richness of stuffing and family, please know that you all (and this past Tuesday in particular) are right up there at the top of my list of things that I am so very very thank full for.
You are my homegirls.