So Simon is sleeping now and I thought I'd get some more photos of him up here. We're all doing well over at 702 1/2 Rand. Simon and I get out at least twice a day to walk the Roxie dog and then at least once more on some bigger outing (Yoga on Mondays, Swimming on Fridays, a hike here and there and some good friend times with folks.) We've ridden the BART and bus together, we've been shopping at Trader Joe's and the Berkeley Bowl, we've done some itsy bitsy baby yoga, and been to a lactation support group even though everything is going super swell. Simon weighed 10 lbs 12 ounces two weeks ago so we're thinking that at our next weigh in we're hoping to surpass 11lbs. He's had a few immunization shots and has weathered them without any major side effects or even minor ones for that matter and we love our pediatrician Dr Maria.
As for me I'm figuring things out minute by minute and even when those minutes are hard or frustrating I'm still in awe at this new life (mine and his). Lots of trial and error moments, lots of sweet- my heart might explode- moments, it's all there. Simon is a little being with so much going on and amazingly enough I am his guide/protector/entertainer/food source for the moment. What?!?!?!
My heart is full.
Oh yeah, I have to give a ginormous shout out to our wonderful community. The showing up has been so incredible. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I can't say it enough.
And now some more thoughts and photos from Shimmy La (via Laura's mind)
I know that Jaime and Laura are all hip to this gender spectrum thing but I don't even know my own name yet let alone what my gender expression is gonna be.
Besides, this thing does not go with a number of my outfits. And...I gotta say it's a little tight
It's ok though cuz almost all the rest of the time I am SO on the ball
What choo talkin' 'bout diaper change?!
This is a good time! We should do this every day, all day!