Wow. Wow. Wow. So tired. So happy. Still trying to believe it's real.
I had been seriously considering going to work today and this morning I thanked whomever that I didn't. It was a little like having a newborn again last night. We woke up about every 2 hours- sometimes for Simon, sometimes for his equipment. My first words to Laura this morning were, "did you see the truck that ran over me?". Her response, "no, but it got me too".
Still, it was such a joy to wake up, bring him into bed, get Roxie up there and all just be a family.
We're working out all the kinks- still being tethered to a pump, working the pump, calculating how long it will take to get out the door in the morning when we have to draw meds and give them with 10 minutes in between each one so he doesn't puke (he still does but it helps a little), figuring out where to put all his STUFF. We realized we have to get a baby monitor (anyone have one they don't use anymore?) because we need to hear if he's puking in his bed when we're in the living room or kitchen. It looks like a pharmacy exploded in our house, plus there's a stack of chucks by his crib and a stack of towels in the living room for puking. My big challenge this weekend is trying to create some sense of order and make a place for everything. He has mountains of toys to clean and sort, I Clorox wiped all his books that were at the hospital and we're washing everything that was fabric that was there. It's sort of like tackling a lice infestation times 100.
We went on a dog walk today, my mom came by, a home health nurse came by, Carol and Megan (our 2 primary nurses) came by, we went to get groceries and then my stepmom and a friend came by. It's so great and I'm so exhausted. It's like when he was first born- we have to nap when he naps, etc but he's WAY more fun then he was when he just came out. He has been so smiley and happy the last 24 hours. More than I've ever seen. It's magic. I hope we can keep this good trend going. I really, really don't want to go back to that life. I figure we'll end up there at some point for a short stay (a bad cold they want to monitor, etc), but I really don't ever want to be in Room 1 again or stay for long. Ick.
What an incredible thing this all's better than I could have hoped. We can do this. It's hard as hell and still really, really scary, but we have our baby back.
Yayyyy! Welcome home Simon!
Elisa & Isaac
We are rooting for you! Getting organized sounds amazing and ambitious. Perhaps because I have nothing like your circumstances and I can't do it. So maybe just go easy on yourselves if everything doesn't find a place for a while . . . like a year or two . . . The important things seem like they really are in just the exact right places.
Fantastic ! Who cares about dirty diapers or puke as long as things are going well. The bigger picture is what counts.
Give Shimmy kisses and hugs from us.
Love, Ellie and Sol.
loving that you are HOME! yes we have a monitor in storage if you haven't had one dropped off already... :)
love to think of you all at home, even if surrounded by puke and poles and bottles. at least the location is right! loveyouallverymuch. very much.
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