So Simon's BNP results came back (via voicemail from HunkyPants).
Remember the BNP is the blood test that lets us know how dilated and distressed the heart is.
Simon's highest BNP recorded was 3600.
100 and lower is a healthy heart.
About 6 weeks ago Simon's BNP was 1100.
Since then he's had surgery and has had a rough road of recovery.
We went to our regular cardio appt this last Wednesday and had our regular work up.
He's just gotten back to sleeping well in the last three nights.
A BNP below 1000 is considered a good thing and a sign of recovery.
Shimmy's BNP..............................................
Granted, HunkyPants did say that he "hoped it was real." We'll see next visit but HOT DAMN!!! I know it's real.
Celebrating. We are doing something right.
Simon knows there's something to celebrate too as he's been smiley and talking up a storm since we listened to the voicemail.
Feeling light in my heart. (again with heart analogies)
Love and light to all
Holy crap!!! That is amazing news. Congratulations!!!
I read the numbers several times to make sure it said what it said....hallelujah...go Simon!
Best birthday present an auntie could get...thanks Simon!!!
that is great news! keep up the lovin' and the snuggling!
Freaking fantastic news!!!
Yay Simon...keep up the good healing.
xo ~
Elisa and Isaac
My ladies! I'm so delighted with this news - and as mom of 3 mo old twins - insanely jealous of the 7 hours of sleep. But if anyone deserves it, you 3 do! Love you all.
The light is shining through clearly at the end of the tunnel!!!!
Love, Ellie and SolR
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