Sunday, January 25, 2009

Simon is Home!

Locations of visitors to this pageWe got discharged this morning at about 9:30 a.m . They wanted to get us the heck out of there and we were not about to argue.
We had a little drama last night with Simon and Carol saved the day. We left at about 7ish when he fell asleep and at about 9 pm Carol called us b/c Simon had been awake for about an hour, crying and was freaking out so much that his oxygen saturation was starting to get low. They gave him Morphine and he was still a crazy beast. By the time we got there he had finally fallen asleep, fortunately.

Carol said later that when respiratory therapist came by she begged them not to put a nasal cannula on him because Cardiology would be unlikely to discharge him the next day if they did. We just did some oxygen from a face mask placed next to him and he was great. I can't say enough for the nurses. They do so much for families and for kids. Carol knew how important it was for us all to get out of the hospital and fought for him to have appropriate medical care that would also protect our options for discharge the next day. We love Carol!!!



You can see his new G-Tube (we call it the Button) in the middle of his belly. Crazy, right? They also fixed his herniated belly button while they were in there. We're bargain shoppers, what can we say?


Unknown said...

Does this child look exactly like Laura?

I wanna see some Fitch baby pix posted soon.

So happy to see the no noodle punim!!!

xi Liz

Elisa said...

He looks gorgeous and getting soooo big. How did they fix his herniated belly button? Isaac has one too. I'm greatful to hear that you are home again. Good rest to all of you...
xo ~
Elisa and Isaac

Unknown said...

yay! no more pesky nose tube! love to all.

Not-so-Suburban Mama said...

Simon looks terrific! What a beautiful mug on that boy ... and I do love to see his nice big belly! Glad to hear that the surgery went smoothly.

NYCAvafl said...

Did you hear that sound? It was a huge sigh of relief. ..

Keep up the good work, everyone.

Here's wishing everyone some quiet days.


Carol, Pat and Katie
(Z and Cecelia, too!)e

Sara said...

He looks fantastic! I'm so glad everything went so smoothly!