Laura just said to Simon, "I know it hurts. I actually really do know it hurts!" Ahhhhh the Mother-Son bonding of abdominal surgery 1 week apart. How sweet.
Phew. Huge relief to have this done. He's going to be very grumpy for a few days, but hopefully we can start him eating soon.
Okay, a weekend in the hospital and then hopefully home Monday.
We also got a gorgeous quilt from the recovery room nurse- volunteers make blankets for long term kids. I think Simon definitely qualifies!
Much love
More later
Thank you for the immediate blog. Ive been checking every few minutes and have decided that you all are blessed.
Love, Ellie and Sol.
I'm so excited to hear that all went well. Get better soon Shimy!
Elisa & Isaac
Wow. So glad Simon is doing well, and you two continue to amaze. xoxo
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