Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sun and Moon....and Bow.

This morning we learned of another baby that passed from Cardiomyopathy. It felt like a punch to the chest joined with a weight pulling you down deep into the worst parts of the 'what if' darkness.

Then I remember that there are other things to focus on, deep breaths to take and pictures to share that can bring me back to the here and NOW.  I am holding that Mama and her family in the Light and remembering to celebrate the Light that shines on us now.

It's kind of a seriously amazing Light.
Check out what Simon started yesterday.

Kung Fu and Destiny Arts!

He started even before he got his belt on!

White Belt and Power bracelet

I suspect that he wanted me to stop taking pictures


60 minutes of amazing focus!

Learning the bow

Fighting the Dragon!


I can't help picturing...

We have come from this ...................................................................to this.

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